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Ellsworth Free Medical Clinic
Ellsworth Medicl Clinic

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Our Best Wishes to all of you for a safe and healthy winter. Ellsworth Free Medical Clinic continues our mission and work of providing compassionate care to uninsured and underinsured people in Hancock, Washington, Penobscot, Kennebec, Somerset and Waldo counties. Currently our Medical staff includes two (2) physicians, one (1) PA, an orthopedist, and a psychiatrist. Our team also includes a physical therapist, mental health counselor, five(5) nurses, 2 coordinators and an administrative assistant. We’ve helped people manage high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory disease, heart disease, mental health issues and many more challenges. One of our patients was recognized as having a rare genetic clotting disorder requiring lifetime anticoagulation. Another was guided through the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of a torn knee ligament.

Additionally, our masking and cleanliness regulations meant that none of our staff contracted COVID in the office. Here's a snapshot of our numbers through November 30. Patients served: 183
Number of visits: 901
Total value of care: $181,442
Value of prescription assistance for our patients: $299, 678
Value of dental care provided to our patients: >$1600
Referrals to specialty physicians: 84
Hours of volunteer time:1184
We receive no federal or state funds, so our costs are covered by grantors and generous supporters
like you.

Please help us to continue this important work. Your contribution is tax deductible. Ellsworth Free
Medical Clinic is Section 501(c )3 non-profit.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
Truly yours, Maggie Harling, MD (retired)
Board President



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Planned Giving
is an area of fundraising that refers to
a significant charitable gift that can be funded with cash, equity, or property
during a donor’s life or at death that is part of his or her financial or estate plan.

Planned gifts benefit the Clinic and provide the donor with an opportunity to create a lasting legacy for future generations while maximizing the tax
benefits of a donation.

248 State St # 16,
Ellsworth, ME 04605
Email: office@ellsworthfreeclinic.org
Phone: (207) 667-7953
Fax: (207) 664-0802



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Ellsworth Free Medical Clinic Facebook

Ellsworth Free Medical Clinic
(207) 667-7953
Serving Downeast Maine since 1992
ellsworthfreeclinic.org © 2022

Office Hours:
Monday 8 am to 5 pm
Tues, Thurs and Fri 8 to 12 noon
Wed closed
Christmas, New Years, Memorial day, July 4th, Labor day and Thanksgiving are celebrated.
Please call for an appointment.

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